Feeding therapy is provided by Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists who study, diagnose, and treat feeding and swallowing disorders.
Some reasons that an adult or child may require feeding therapy includes;
- Difficulties with breastfeeding including latching
- Difficulties transitioning from milk to puree to solid foods
- Fussy or picky eating
- Limited diet – only eats plain foods, only likes certain textures etc.
- Unintentional weight-loss
- Sensory aversions to foods e.g. doesn’t like red food, doesn’t like squishy food
- Difficutly physically chewing and swallowing (also addressed by Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy)
- Difficulties holding food in the mouth
- Unwanted mealtime behaviours present e.g. tantrums, food throwing etc.
- Pain or discomfort when swallowing
- Coughing, choking, or vomiting during or after mealtimes
- Prolonged mealtimes – children longer than 20-25minutes, adults longer than 25-30minutes of actually consuming the food.
Eat. Speak. Repeat. Allied Health was brought to life to meet the growing demand for allied health services in the Hunter Region.
Level 1/138 Vincent Street, Cessnock, Wonnarua Country 2325 NSW
Phone (02) 4060 9106

Unit 2/7 Sky Close, Taylors Beach, Worimi Country 2316 NSW
Phone (02) 4072 1419