Orofacial Myofunctional therapy is generally provided by Speech Pathologists, Dentists, and Orthodontists who create individualised therapy programs that include exercises to help restore normal strength and co-ordination of the muscles of the face and tongue, as well as restructuring the jaw and face for optimal health benefits.
OM Therapy supports optimal functioning of breathing, swallowing, chewing and speaking. This is a non-invasive therapeutic option that helps to address root causes of problems, not just the symptoms.
Some reasons that an adult or child may require OM therapy includes;
Having tethered oral tissues including tongue, lip or cheek ties
Snoring and/or mouth breathing behaviours
Poor postural stability of the head and neck
Difficulties chewing or pain in your jaw when chewing
Incorrect dentition – overbites, crowded teeth, gaps between teeth, cross bites. May be caused by genetic factors, or environmental factors such as overuse of a pacifier (use beyond 12 months of age), overuse of sippy cups, mouth breathing or snoring.
Incorrect articulation/pronunciation of words
Eat. Speak. Repeat. Allied Health was brought to life to meet the growing demand for allied health services in the Hunter Region.
Level 1/138 Vincent Street, Cessnock, Wonnarua Country 2325 NSW
Phone (02) 4060 9106

Unit 2/7 Sky Close, Taylors Beach, Worimi Country 2316 NSW
Phone (02) 4072 1419